6 misconceptions about posting
6 misconceptions about posting
You have no permanent colleagues
Yes and no.
Yes, because posting is temporary. You know that and so do your colleagues. This can cause you to get to know your colleagues less well and therefore not build the same bond that permanent colleagues do with each other. Although, in practice, our assignments are often extended so our people soon become part of the team for a longer period of time.
No, because you are always part of our HIRE team. We don't place you with a client only to then cash in invoices. Nope, rather not. Even if you're (temporarily) with a client, you're just one of our Hire colleagues. So we call regularly just to catch up and check how you're doing, you join team outings, are in the company WhatsApp and we make every effort to see each other face to face regularly. Most of us also spend one day a week in our office during an external project. Nice and cozy.
It is temporary and therefore you never have a permanent contract
So, that would be miserable. So don't. When you're seconded through HIRE, you can simply count on the security of a permanent contract. That works out so nicely (and honestly, let's face it).
You are a number
Our motto is "we don't shuffle resumes, we connect people. So we don't just blindly place professionals with clients, but are always looking for the best match. We hold extensive interviews and (competency) assessments so that we really get to know you. Only then can we make the match that benefits everyone. And besides, you have enough to say for yourself, don't you? We want you to be happy in your job.
I have no say in the assignments
Yes, this one is a bit duplicative after the previous paragraph but we'd rather emphasize it again. Better safe than sorry, right? Look, of course we want our clients to be happy but most of all we want you to be happy. It doesn't benefit anyone if someone is on an assignment against their will. So that's why we don't do that. We always look at the assignments with you and figure out together where you fit in best.
There are no training and development opportunities
Your assignment is temporary, so the chance that a client is going to put a lot of time and money into your development is pretty slim, let's be honest here. That's why we do. We think it's important that you continue to develop and therefore offer many training and development opportunities. This way you can continue to develop yourself and get better and better at your job.
My data is shared with all kinds of companies
Well, no. No one is waiting for that, are they? Of course we will handle your resume and personal data with discretion and care. Not only because we think it is logical, but also because it is required by law.